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  • Writer's pictureEmma Albright

Birth Controls: Pros and Cons

The Pill

Taken everyday at the same day The birth control pill comes in a pack of 28 hormone filled pills.


91% effective

Non-invasive PMS Relief

Can reduce heavy flow of periods and cramps

Can reduce acne

Can reduce cancers


Hassle to remember

Increases blood pressure

Nausea and mood swings


A T-Shaped piece of plastic that is placed into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.


More than 99% effective at preventing


Can last for 3-10 years

You become fertile almost immediately after

having it be removed


Doesn't prevent STI's

Only your doctor can insert and remove it

It can slip out of place

The Patch

Patch sticks to your skin and releases hormones into your bloodstream that keep your ovaries from releasing an egg, has to be changed each week


Easily hidden/disguised

Lighter periods


Does't prevent STI's

Has to be changed weekly

Releases the most amount of estrogen which can be harmful

The Shot

The shot is an injection of the hormone progestin that provides birth control for 3 months.


One injection lasts 3 months

Decreases cramps

Doesn't require daily action

It's temporary


Has to be given by a professional

Not recommended for more than two years

The Ring

A small soft, plastic ring that you place inside your vagina to prevent pregnancy


Reduces acne

Makes periods lighter and regular

Eases cramps


Increase in vaginal discharge

Increase in headaches, nausea and mood changes

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